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Welcome to the Railroaders Memorial Museum & World Famous Horseshoe Curve Online Store!

All proceeds from the online store go to the Railroaders Memorial Museum. Founded in 1980, the Railroaders Memorial Museum (501c(3) nonprofit) was established by Altoona leaders who sought to preserve the accomplishments and legacy of railroaders who founded the city in 1846 and the industry that turned Altoona into a renowned railroad city with over 3 miles of shops, foundries, yards, and Test Plant. The railroad was the heart of the city and its center; businesses, neighborhoods, and life were synchronized to the schedules of trains and work shifts. As the shops and yards expanded, so did the city. A need for a workforce meant an opportunity for immigrants from England, Ireland, Germany, Italy and other minorities to create a melting pot of culture in Railroad City. Altoona supported a network of 26,000 miles with freight cars, passenger cars, and over 17,000 steam locomotives constructed by Altoona workers. After the steam era, Altoona transitioned its industrial purpose.

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Museum address
1200 9th Ave Altoona, PA 16602
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